Title Report
Section 4 of Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016 prescribes the procedure for real estate project registration and Rule 3 (2) (c) of RERA mandates submission of a copy of the latest legal title report with every project registration application, reflecting the flow of title of the owner or promoter to the land on which development is proposed, with authentication of such title by practicing advocate.
Also lf Title / Commencement Certificate is not in the name of the Promoters, then the Promoter has to add Promoter, Land Owner (investor) Field and add details of all land owners along with their Form B and MOU/DA, Area / Revenue Share etc with required details.
This report has to be submitted in a specific format as stated by maharera.
Our highly experienced team of lawyers would be glad to take this workload off you. We will provide you with title report in the format required by maharera.
Want to give us your work of making your legal title report , click on the following link and fill the form, our team will connect with you.